Unilin is a world player in the flooring industry and is mainly known for its Quick-Step floors. They offer a lot more than Quick-Step alone and also manufacture products such as roof panels, insulation panels and furniture panels. Because these products are quite complex they need to have a lot off technical knowledge.
First Peel then act
After looking at a lot off new technologies on the market Unilin decided to follow a design workshop with Peel and Bazookas. In a design workshop we follow the double diamond model. In this model we discover and define the actual problem and then develop and deliver a fitting solution. In this kind off workshop it is important to invite several stakeholders with the same connection to the problem but with a different vision. In this workshop that was the case and we heard a lot off good ideas!
After defining the problem in the morning we brainwrited all the possible solutions you can think off. In this phase Unilin saw some interesting opportunities.
After the workshop we saw nothing but happy faces and everybody was inspired by the new ideas we developed. The next step is bringing the idea alive...
Just peel it!